Are there financial implications to a high or low Rice Purity Test score?

The Rice Purity Test, a popular survey among college students, is designed to gauge one’s level of innocence and experience in various aspects of life. Originally created at Rice University, this test has become a cultural phenomenon, with individuals taking it to measure their purity on a scale from 0 to 100. While the test is primarily intended for personal amusement, the question arises: Can a high or low Rice Purity Test score have financial implications on one’s life? In this article, we will delve into the potential impact of Rice Purity Test score on personal and professional aspects, exploring whether this playful test can transcend its lighthearted nature and influence financial outcomes.

Understanding the Rice Purity Test

Before delving into the financial implications, let’s first understand the Rice Purity Test and its significance. The test consists of a series of questions covering a range of experiences, from the mundane to the more adventurous. Participants answer these questions with “Yes” or “No,” and the final score reflects the percentage of “innocence” or lack thereof.

Personal Life

a. Relationships and Dating

A high Rice Purity Test score might suggest a person who is more reserved and cautious in matters of relationships and dating. This could potentially lead to a more conservative approach in personal life choices, such as fewer instances of casual dating or involvement in romantic relationships. While this may result in a stable personal life, it might also mean missed opportunities for personal growth and networking.

On the other hand, a low Rice Purity Test score may indicate a more adventurous and open approach to relationships. While this can foster personal development and a broader social circle, it may also lead to challenges in maintaining long-term commitments. Financially, the impact could be felt through expenses related to social activities, events, and an overall more dynamic lifestyle.

b. Health and Well-being

High scores on the Rice Purity Test might align with a healthier lifestyle, as individuals with a more reserved approach may be less likely to engage in risky behaviors. This could translate to lower healthcare costs and a generally healthier life, positively impacting long-term financial stability.

Conversely, a lower score may be associated with a higher likelihood of engaging in activities that could pose health risks. This might result in increased healthcare expenses, impacting both short-term budgeting and long-term financial planning.

Professional Life

a. Career Advancement

The influence of Rice Purity Test scores on professional life is complex. A high score might be indicative of a disciplined and focused individual, traits highly valued in many professional settings. Employers may perceive someone with a higher score as more reliable and less prone to distractions.

However, an excessively high score could also suggest a lack of willingness to take risks or step outside one’s comfort zone, potentially hindering career advancement. In contrast, a lower score may imply a more adventurous and adaptable personality, traits that can be beneficial in certain industries or roles.

b. Networking and Social Skills

Networking is a crucial aspect of career development, and social skills play a significant role in building professional relationships. A person with a higher Rice Purity Test score may be perceived as more reserved, potentially affecting their ability to network effectively. This could limit opportunities for career growth and advancement.

Conversely, an individual with a lower score may possess a more outgoing and sociable nature, facilitating stronger professional connections. However, striking the right balance between socializing and maintaining professionalism is essential to ensure that one’s career is not negatively impacted.

Financial Planning

a. Saving and Investing

The financial implications of Rice Purity Test scores also extend to saving and investing behaviors. Those with higher scores may exhibit a more conservative approach to financial planning, prioritizing savings and investments that align with a stable and secure future.

On the contrary, individuals with lower scores might be more inclined to take financial risks, exploring investment opportunities that promise higher returns but come with greater uncertainty. While this approach could lead to financial success, it also carries a higher risk of losses.

b. Debt and Financial Stability

A high Rice Purity Test score might correlate with a more risk-averse attitude towards debt, resulting in better financial stability. These individuals may be less likely to accumulate unnecessary debt, leading to a more secure financial position in the long run.

Conversely, those with lower scores may be more prone to impulsive spending and accumulating debt. This behavior can jeopardize financial stability and hinder long-term financial goals, such as homeownership or retirement planning.


In the grand scheme of life, the Rice Purity Test is but a whimsical measure of one’s experiences and choices. While it may provide a snapshot of an individual’s attitudes towards certain aspects of life, its ability to predict or influence financial outcomes is limited. Financial success is a multifaceted journey influenced by education, career choices, spending habits, and investment decisions, among other factors.

Ultimately, it is essential to approach the Rice Purity Test with a sense of humor and recognize its limitations in assessing the complexities of life. Whether one scores high or low, the key to financial success lies in making informed and responsible choices, embracing opportunities for personal and professional growth, and maintaining a healthy balance between risk and stability.

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